Use this checklist to identify your cat’s activities and behaviors that may be signs of osteoarthritis. Then click “See Report”. Your responses can be printed or emailed to share with your veterinarian.
Check all that apply
Answer yes or no
A “yes” response to the questions above may mean that your cat is in pain from osteoarthritis. Just as in humans, chronic pain negatively impacts your cat’s quality of life, not just physically, but also emotionally. The good news is that by identifying your cat’s condition, you and your veterinarian can develop a treatment plan for your cat. A recent peer-reviewed published study demonstrated the initial validity and reliability of a quality of life assessment for chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis, in cats.2 Using these questions, you can help your veterinarian assess and monitor how well your cat’s chronic pain management treatment is working.
Think about your cat’s behavior in the past week and help us determine how your cat is feeling by completing the following table.
Additional information that can be helpful to your veterinary team is your cat’s history. Answer yes or no.