Introducing a variety of foods into your cat’s diet allows them to get their nutrients in new and exciting ways. Most of your cat’s diet should be a high-quality nutrient-rich cat food, but you can give them a safe human treat occasionally (like chicken). A small amount of cooked chicken is also a nice way to get protein in their diet. Chicken is filled with nutrients like selenium (which is great for the immune system), vitamin B6, and phosphorus.

This super simple recipe uses chicken and rice baby food to make cooking these up easier for you, but you can substitute for canned chicken or homemade chicken if you prefer. Sprinkle in a few of these chicken cat treats (in moderation) into their weekly diet for a fun treat.
- 1 large egg
- Small jar of chicken and rice baby food
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 tablespoons water (approximately)
- 1 cup flour
- Preheat the oven to 350℉.
- Mix the egg, baby food, and oil together.
- Add in the flour and mix together.
- Make a dough from the mixture, adding water as required to combine all the ingredients.
- Roll the dough out onto a floured surface and “score” into small bite-size pieces (cutting into the dough that you’re about to bake without cutting all the way through).
- Place on parchment paper in the oven and cook for about 15 minutes.
- Cool before breaking the scored treats into small pieces along the score lines and serving.
Recipe inspired by This article contains recipe information that is considered suitable for pets. However, not all pets can tolerate different foods — it depends on their age, health history, and health conditions. It is important to consult with your veterinarian before feeding your pet any new foods or offering your pet any of the ingredients contained in this recipe.